Have you ever wondered what education is going to look like thirty years from now? Do you ever ponder on the progress education has made in the last fifty years? What about all the new technologies that have developed in the past five years? This is something I do on a regular basis, intrigued by all of these great developments currently at our fingertips. After viewing the videos "A Vision of K-12 Students Today" and "Pay Attention," it was hard not to get goose bumps at the chilling realizations that were touched upon. Society is at a time where we are running full throttle and not looking back. It amazed me to take into consideration that in five years from now, half of the jobs students will apply for currently do not exist. Half of the jobs?! From a teachers standpoint, I embrace these technologies whole-heartedly. Why you ask? Because as a teacher, our job is to motivate and intrigue our students into wanting to learn. It should not be a chore, but something that they are driven by. Too many teachers today are not taking advantage of these tools to help enhance our students education. More then half of our students use these technologies on a daily basis, so why not incorporate their interests into learning? Furthermore, living in a digital age, these children are most likely going to get jobs that are required to use technology, so why not build on their love and interest of the digital world to help build motivated employees of tomorrow? If using technology in the classroom helps drive a child's passion of learning, creating a life-long learner, in the end I would be greatly satisfied.
Please watch these videos, they are very inspiring:
1 comment:
I'm glad to hear that your goal is to create life-long learners!
Actually it's easier for all of us to be life-long learners now too because of the facility of accessing information through technological advances. We can learn anything, anywhere at any time!
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